Family & Community Health – Ward County, TX
Extension Family & Community Health or FCH, offers programs to help your family with raising children, your home environment, eating well, food preservation, being healthy, managing your money, keeping food safe, and making the most of your family’s time and resources.
Major Programming in Ward County includes:
Healthy Lifestyles
– Health Talk Express: 30 minute or less health presentation on a range of different topic such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Health, & Stress.
– Do well, Be Well with Diabetes: is an educational program to help people with type 2 diabetes learn the skills they need to understand and manage their diabetes, to reduce their risk for complications, and to attain their highest possible level of wellness.
– Dinner Tonight Healthy Cooking School: a program developed to provide busy families with quick, healthy, cost effective recipes that taste great. Not only does the program provide recipes, it also gives you weekly video demonstrations on cooking tips and techniques, nutrition topics, menu planning basics and information on healthy living.
Better Living for Texans (BLT)
This is nutrition educational programs for adult and children that are SNAP Participants and SNAP Eligible. The BLT program helps people make healthy meals, improve their physicals fitness, save money at the grocery store, grow their own food,, and adopt better food safety habits.
– Walk Across Texas & Walk N Talk : founded on the popular Extension Program Walk Across Texas with a dialogue approach. Participants learn how to walk for fitness. The Walk N Talk program includes two different series: Fruits & Vegetables and Rethink your Drink! Both of these curriculums span 8 -weeks . Participants create teams with family, friends, and coworkers to log walking miles.
– Early Childhood Learn Grow, Eat & Go: Is a curriculum specifically designed for teachers of 4 and 5 year old students. All lessons and activities creatively presented to maximize age appropriate cognitive learning, while encouraging positive behavioral change for better health.
– Choose Healthy: is a fun, interactive four-session series geared toward middle-school aged kids. The session topics include: MyPlate, Energy Balance (physical activity), Making Nutritious Choices, and Choosing Healthy Drinks. The series has an optional fifth session about Reading the Nutrition Facts Label.
Welcome to the Real World!
Welcome to the Real World! is an active, hands-on activity that includes career and money management fact sheets and gives young people the opportunity to explore careers and make lifestyle and spending choices similar to those adults face. In this simulation of the real world, participants assume that they have completed basic educational requirements for their chosen careers and are single and 25 years of age. They live on their own and are independent, with no financial support from family or others. The participants will select a potential career or occupation that they would like to pursue in the future. After they choose an occupation, they receive a monthly salary for that occupation. They then proceed through the Real World activity, deducting taxes, determining a savings amount, paying a student loan, if applicable, and spending their “salary” on the necessary and other items that reflect the career and lifestyle they have chosen.